Development and Production of Electronics
Our development team offers years of experience in development of electronic devices and information technologies. Our field devices are based on modern powerful microprocessors. We use the latest data transfer technologies. We specialize in the development of measuring systems, data transfer and data processing and connecting the technologies to the Internet of Things. Data transfer options include GSM, narrow band GSM, WIFI, Sigfox, LoRa and more.

Satellite Locators
Production and operation of EASYWATCH localization system. The locators are equipped with GPS and GLONASS high-sensitivity receivers suitable for use in challenging conditions. We specialize in battery-operated devices with long lifetime. Lithium primary cells or Li-Pol batteries are used as the power source. Software solutions to transfer and storage of the localization data.
CNC Routing
CNC routing of plastic materials.
Development and production of non-standard plastic parts.
Technical documentation preparation.
Contact us
Tesoft Service s.r.o.
Závišova 1061
272 01 Kladno
Tel.: +420 605 545 415
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Závišova 1061
272 01 Kladno
Tel.: +420 605 545 415
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IČ: 04599403
DIČ: CZ04599403
vedená u Městského soudu v Praze, spisová značka C 250528
DIČ: CZ04599403
vedená u Městského soudu v Praze, spisová značka C 250528